Difficulty Level: Easy
We will duplicate a similar sound as that of a Theremin, digitally using a buzzer controlled by Pulse Width Modulations and a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), for reading the hand movements over it which will be considered as inputs to control the sound coming out of the buzzer.
Arduino IDE
- Electronics Club Custom Development Board (CDB)
- Light-Dependent Resistor (LDR)
- Buzzer
- Resistor - 10k
- Jumpers
- Breadboard
Buzzer Pin 1 --> 4 of CDB
Buzzer Pin 2 --> GND
LDR Leg 1 --> 10k Resistor --> 5 of CDB
LDR Leg 1 --> VCC
LDR Leg 2 --> GND
(Note: Leg 1 and Leg 2 are named arbitrarily)
int photopin = 5; // Pin where the photo resistor is connected to
int photValue; // The analog reading from the photoresistor
int buzzerPin = 4; // Connect Buzzer to Pin 4
long buzzerFreq; // The frequency to buzz the buzzer
// You can experiment with these values:
long buzzMAX = 2500; // Maximum frequency for the buzzer
long photoMAX = 1023; // Maximum value for the photoresistor
void setup() {
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); // set a pin for buzzer output
void loop() {
// read the values of the photoresistor
photValue = analogRead(photopin); // Values 0-1023
// normalize the readings of a photoresistor to that of the buzzer and photoresistor
buzzerFreq = (photValue * buzzMAX) / photoMAX;
buzz(buzzerPin, buzzerFreq, 10);
void buzz(int targetPin, long frequency, long length) {
long delayValue = 1000000/frequency/2;
long numCycles = frequency * length/ 1000;
for (long i=0; i < numCycles; i++){
Follow-up Problem Statement
Can you use the capacitive touch pins and Aluminium foil to change the frequency of the buzzer as you slide your finger over the foil??